Sunday, December 4, 2011

So tonight, on  a cold and dreary December evening, we decided we wanted some cozy warm and serious comfort food.  What else fits the bill but Mac and Cheese?
Insert this:

What I ended up with? 

Overall Comments:  Now, like usual, I didn't follow the recipe to the letter.  Why?  Because I  used what I had in the house vs going to the store in the rain.  So instead of 2%, I used vit D.  I added a smidgen of water to thin it out, but I think it could have been over anyways, had I not switched it.   It is very creamy.  VERY creamy.  To the point of being pasty.  Paste-like.  Wallpaper paste like?   We added some butter and some milk trying to make it palatable, but it was very meh. 
Cost (approximately):  $1 for the pasta, $1.50 worth of milk? 
Would I make it again?  Probably not. 
What does the Mr think?  "Um...nice try honey."